Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Run, Walk, Bike for Congo Women

Living on the other side of the world from it, Riverway students Kayton McKern and Sarah Clay had never even heard of the Democratic Republic of Congo. But Lisa Shannon's Run for the Congo, which aired at the Frozen River Film Festival, opened the teens` eyes to the crushing reality of the ongoing civil war in there, and suddenly the Congo became very real to them.
     Most especially, McKern said, they were struck by the plight of women in the Congo, 90% of whom have been raped as a vicious act of civil war. IN all some 5.4 million are estimated to have been killed, and those remaining live in an atmosphere of utter hopelessness.
      Inspired by Run for the Congo, the girls decided to make a benefit for victims their spring project right here in Winona, hoping that doing so would awaken the community to their plight and raise money that could sponsor a woman trying to survive there.
     The girls and their classmates have recruited volunteers, music, refreshments and a stretch of bike path for their plan, which is a run/walk/bike benefit scheduled for Friday afternoon.
     Starting off at the bandshell in Lake Par between 2 and 6 p.m., participants are invited to go around the lake by whatever means they choose. The Riverway students on hand will be available to collect a suggested $10 donation per participant with the hope of reaching the $708, amount they need to sponsor two women.
     With that sponsorship, Women for Women international will reach out to women suffering from the oppression war brings and give them job skills and counseling to help them support themselves in the villages where they live. So far, McKern said, they have raised $150, and will need 56 participants Friday t reach their goal. Local musicians, refreshments, and information about Women for Women International will be on hand Friday for all to stop by and enjoy.
    The students are thankful for the support they have received towards the event from Riverway Learning Community and thankful to the Frozen River Film Festival for opening their eyes and hearts to a cause they previously knew nothing about.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing and excellent job organizing this girls! I have no doubt that you will be able to sponsor some very lucky women from the Congo! :)
