By Emma Krause
Several Secondary 9th-12th Riverway Learning Community students participated in a scarecrow contest for Lark Toys. The goal is to make a creative scarecrow. Chelsee, Kevin, and I (Jamie Harper helped us too), decided to make an owl scarecrow. We wanted it to be unique and superb.
We decided to use wood and sticks to make part of the body. We used a hula-hoop for the owl’s head and large record disks for its eyes, and used white sheets to put over the body so you wouldn’t see any sticks or wood peeking out. We painted the owl black and brown for the body and the beak. We used yellow and black paint for the eyes and the tail.
We had so much fun making the scarecrow that we recommend it for others to do next year. It will be a great experience for you. If we win first place, we win a $100 certificate to Lark Toys.